
The Gentle Zoo - A Giveaway!

The Boy is very excited to announce his first giveaway:

A family four pack (2 adults & 2 kids) to The Gentle Zoo!
Just in time too, since they have a Pumpkin Patch coming in October!

About The Gentle Zoo:
The Gentle Zoo is a petting zoo, open to the public Tues - Sat from 9:30am - 2:00pm. (They are also available, by reservation, for birthday parties (and other celebrations/events), field trips, playgroups, and fundraisers.)
At The Gentle Zoo, you will find plenty of sweet animals to pet, a playground, a train ride, a giant maze, and a picnic area. They also offer educational programs if you're looking for a special treat for your playgroup/church/homeschool group, birthday party, or any other event you can think of.

The Gentle Zoo is located in Forney (just 25 miles from Downtown Dallas).
The Gentle Zoo
12600 FM 2932
Forney, TX 75126

Now, for the details on how to win:

Are you a DFW Parks & Playgrounds fan on Facebook? If not, become one, quick! You must be a fan of our Facebook page to enter the contest. Our winner will be announced on Facebook & must respond in a timely manner to claim their prize. You must follow all the rules of each entry chance, as explained below.

You have up to 4 chances to win!
*You get 1 entry for being a Facebook fan (comment here saying you are a fan).

*You get 1 additional entry for reposting our contest link on Facebook (please "share" the link we post & be sure to encourage your DFW friends to become fans too). Then, leave a comment here, saying you did that.

*Facebook: You get 1 additional entry for sharing (on your own Facebook page) a link back to your favorite park review here at DFW Parks & Playgrounds. (Don't forget to encourage your DFW friends to become fans!) Then, leave a comment here saying which park you shared & why.

*Bloggers: You get 1 additional entry for sharing a link back to your favorite park review here at DFW Parks & Playgrounds on your blog. (Don't forget to encourage your DFW friends to become Facebook fans!) Then, leave a comment here, saying which park you shared & why, along with a link to your blog.

If you have any questions, contact us at dfwparks@yahoo.com.

Contest will end when we hit 300 Facebook fans.
To make sure every fan has a fair chance, even lucky fan #300, we will post an update on Facebook when we hit 300 fans & will let everyone know the contest will end within a certain amount of time after that update. Once again, you'll have to be a Facebook fan to know these things!

Winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
www.randomizer.org picked the winner for us -comment #27, Tammy Benson-O'Brien. Tammy, please email dfwparks@yahoo.com for deatils on your winnings!


Dina said...

shared your link on Facebook and I am already a fan ;)

Unknown said...

I shared! ~Maria

Heather said...

<3 I'm already a fan...I shared it (again...I've shared before...cause I love it!!) and shared Bentwood park...cause feeding the ducks is a lot of fun...and it happens to be kinda near a pretty awesome certain someone ;)

Heather said...

<3 Just commenting again to let you know I shared your facebook fan page.

Heather said...

Also, I shared a link to this post: http://dfwparks.blogspot.com/2009/09/bentwood-park.html :)

Dina said...

I am a FB fan! :)

The Mama said...

I'm a FB fan! :)

The Mama said...

Shared your link on facebook! :)

The Mama said...

Linked back on facebook to River Legacy Park in Arlington - we love it because it's not too far but feels like you're in the 'wild' - great for long walks w/ a stroller.

renelbaker said...

I'm a FB fan now, found you through the sharing of a friend, so neat! Thanks!

renelbaker said...

I also shared a link to Duncanville's Armstrong park, we live in Cedar Hill and LOVE this park!

renelbaker said...

Oh, and I also shared a link to your blog, so there are my 3 entries! :)

Fabulous Terrah said...

I am a fan! :)

Fabulous Terrah said...

Shared the link on my facebook! :-)

Liza said...

Already a fb fan! And I shared the link on facebook :).

Liza said...

Shared the link on my blog!

Unknown said...

I shared and I'm a FB fan!

Sharon said...

I'm a FB fan now.

Standifer Family said...

I shared the link and I'm a fan! =D

Beth said...

I'm a FB fan

Beth said...

I shared the link too

Robin L. said...

i'm already a fan and i shared both required links on fb as well!

Unknown said...

I shared on Facebook, and am a fan. I love all the leg work you do to let us know which parks are ones to go to, thanks.

susan said...

i'm a fan (been one for a long time!) ;)


Tammy Benson-O'Brien said...

I'm a fan on facebook!

Tammy Benson-O'Brien said...

just shared a link from your review of the Heights park on my facebook page. we love this park! we have had many playdates there - my boys are 5 & 7 and we usually meet up there with my 2 yr old nephew.

Tammy Benson-O'Brien said...

okay, I'm doing it all! Added a post on my blog & put in the link for your blog. Here is my blog address http://obrienfamilyof4.blogspot.com/

By the way, I think your DFW parks blog is fabulous!

Danea said...

I'm a FB fan!

Danea said...

Shared Giveaway link on FB :)

Jill and Mike said...

I'm a FB fan!

JenT said...

I'm a fan!

JenT said...

I'm a fan!

Anonymous said...

FB friend

Ori said...

I am a fan and I shared the link on my facebook.

Hani said...

Fan on FB!

Hani said...

Shared the contest on FB.

Hani said...

Shared a post on FB! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Munn Family said...

Shared! :)

Chrystyna said...

I'm a fan ;)